Fallout new vegas armor mods
Fallout new vegas armor mods

fallout new vegas armor mods

It's a very well-made and detailed mod to say the least. It adds a bit of immersive detail that is really appreciated. It has an interesting feature where when you take off your helmet you hang it on your back. It has a very cool design with its lights glowing even in the dark. XV Sharl ArmorĬoming in at number 9 we have XV Sharl armor by Dae! This is a really cool variation on a suit of Enclave power armor. There is even a raider outfit that has a head hanging from a chain on one side with a teddy bear up the other. You have some wastelander looking styles mixed in with some of the more crazy Mojave fashion choices. (Where do they find models in the Mojave)Ĭoming in at number 10 we have Spice of life-variety armor and clothing Robert Breeze type3 by Nivea! Do the normal choices of clothing in Fallout New Vegas leave you wanting more variety? Well, the modder of this armor mod had the same idea, so they made a lot of different styles of armor for both male and female characters. Here are the top 10 best armor mods in Fallout New Vegas. A good thing to offset this is armor mods so with that being said. There are radscorpions, deathclaws, raiders, even wandering robots all looking to end your courier career before you can get that next promotion. The Mojave wasteland can be a very dangerous place. Was up, everybody! Your friendly neighborhood Shounen Man here with another list straight from vault 87 to answer those Fallout questions burning within you.

Fallout new vegas armor mods